Friday, December 27, 2019

Introductory. Something That Humans All Have In Common,

Introductory Something that humans all have in common, is aging. Every single one of us ages and as we age a lot of us get to have a friend along the way. That friend is aching pain. This aching pain can stem from a certain disease, named osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is â€Å"the most common rheumatic disease, primarily affecting the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone of a synovial joint, eventually resulting in joint failure.† (Fransen, 2015) Chances are that someone close to you has osteoarthritis as it is a very prevalent chronic disease. Living with a chronic disease does not bring much joy and preventative measures can be taken to avoid the pain or interventions can be used to make the pain bearable. Some interventions that†¦show more content†¦Exercise is something that can easily be taught to patients and nurses have the prime opportunity to educate patients that are at risk or have osteoarthritis before they need a joint replacement surgery. Mobili ty is a huge part of each individual’s life and joints play a crucial role in one’s mobility. When a joint’s function decreases a person’s mobility, many other things are at risk to decrease as well such as skin integrity and the cardiovascular system. As a nurse, it is important to treat patients holistically and when one part is not functioning, such as the joint, it is our job to bring function back to improve one’s health overall. Methods Many of the studies reviewed followed similar methods to collecting data related to exercise and knee osteoarthritis. There were many systematic reviews that supported this PICO question and determined whether land-based therapeutic exercise is beneficial for people with knee osteoarthritis in terms of reduced joint pain or improved physical function and quality of life. All of the studies had searched various databases, which included, MEDLINE, EMBASE, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Google scholar and OpenGrey. Randomized control trials were put to use andShow MoreRelatedMassive Open Online Courses957 Words   |  4 Pageson who can join the courses providing an incredible accessibility to learning for people all over the world. However, as is common with many central issues, there are a large range of opinions for and against MOOCs. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Should Marijuana Be Legal - 1630 Words

Marijuana has been a hot topic of conversation over the last few years, as some states in America have legalized it medically and recreationally. By discussing the legal aspect of marijuana, the economic benefits, medical usage and how marijuana affects the family, we can see the positive and negative impact that marijuana has on sociology. Except for a few select states, marijuana usage, sale and distribution of marijuana is in some manner illegal. As a result, there is immense legal considerations behind the marijuana conversation. In 2007 alone, fifty-seven percent of all drug arrests in Indiana involved marijuana (Gettman). For all fifty-seven percent of those drug arrests, money and time had to be spent on arresting, processing, jailing, prosecuting and imprisoning those involved. Currently, merely possessing marijuana is a criminal offense, however, it would be a great benefit to the legal system to treat it as other legal substances. One such similar substance is alcohol, whic h is legal in all states. As with alcohol, marijuana usage should have consequences if associated with other actions, such as: driving, abuse and murder. Thus, the court system would only be spending time and money on individuals that abused the use of marijuana rather than all users of marijuana. Users are not the only ones impacted by the illegalization of marijuana, as growers and sellers of marijuana face steep punishment, if caught. Since marijuana is illegal, it is grown and soldShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legal?1609 Words   |  7 PagesMs. Fingarson English 11 March 9th, 2017 Junior Research Paper: Marijuana Should Be Legal. According to world recognized American Scientist Carl Sagan â€Å"the illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insights , sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world†. These are just some of the benefits of Marijuana along with many others. All you have been taught about cannabis inRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1060 Words   |  5 PagesMedical Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United Sstates (Wagner).. Marijuana is commonly used becauseThis it is because marijuana is easy to get and doesn’t have the visibly dangerous effects that other drugs like cocaine and heroine have. However,But does that mean marijuana is harmless to the human body? There are some people and studies that believe it is harmlessso. Sanjay Gupta, MD, Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN, wrote the following: â€Å"Frequent marijuana useRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?986 Words   |  4 Pages smoking pot in California, is legal. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, California became the fifth state to legalize the recreational use of pot. By a margin of about 56% to 44%, voters passed Proposition 64. With its passing, California is now among states like Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska who have also legalized marijuana. â€Å"Marijuana could become quite the cash crop† said Richard McGowan, a professor at Boston College and expert in the field of marijuana legalization. While many peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1230 Words   |  5 PagesCannabis Can The marijuana movement is more prevalent now than ever. Just recently, two other states have joined Colorado and Washington in the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana. On the other hand, the state of Florida did not pass the bill to approve medical marijuana. Although more and more states have begun to see the benefits in legalizing marijuana, many states maintain the view that smoking marijuana is criminal despite the many advantages it poses. Marijuana offers medical andRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?864 Words   |  4 PagesCannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine. Marijuana smoking remains the most prevalent form of illicit drug use in the United States and has even been legalized medicinally in twenty-four states. Four of these states, including Colorado and Washington, have legalized marijuana for recreational use. This means that it is treated like a contr olled substance, like alcohol or tobacco, and anyone theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?997 Words   |  4 Pagesof the topics; write a thesis statement and complete the introduction 1. Marijuana should be legal, because it is harmless, and it is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases. - Marijuana should be legal due to its variety of health benefits - Marijuana is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases - Marijuana legalization would help boost the economy Thesis Statement: Why shouldn’t marijuana be legal due to its variety of health benefits, its effectiveness for combating manyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1610 Words   |  7 PagesSince the very first day marijuana began dominating our country over 30 years ago, federal control of the drug has been the topic of an continuing arguments. Marijuana is a crushed up blend of dried out herbs, seeds and stems of the plant cannabis. Most people inhale it in the shape of cigarettes for pleasure and relief. Should marijuana be made legal? Advocates of the drug argue that there are multiple medical advantages and that tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful for us than the drug itselfRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1261 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana is safer than tobacco and alcohol, more beneficial and healthier too. Marijuana, unlike tobacco and alcohol, never causes serious illnesses like cancers of the lungs, throat, and mouth, cirrhosis, dementia, or anything els e. In actuality, medical marijuana is used to treat cancer cells. â€Å"The earliest use of cannabis as a medicine is attributed to the legendary Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, who is thought to have lived around 2700 BC.. Cannabis sativa is thought to have been grown for at leastRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay965 Words   |  4 PagesShould Marijuana Be Legal? In order to start a discussion about whether marijuana should be legal, we must first begin with the history of marijuana. How long has marijuana been around? The earliest recorded use of marijuana is from the island of Taiwan off the coast of mainland china over 10,000 years ago in the Stone Age (Marijuana, 2014). They wove their clothes and made their shoes from hemp. The first paper was made from a combination of crushed hemp fibers and mulberry tree bark. ThisRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesspecific effects of marijuana on pregnancy women because women who use marijuana also tend to smoke cigarettes and are more likely to use other drugs such as cocaine and alcohol. Thus, it is difficult to identify the precise effects of marijuana on pregnant women and fetus (Leemaqz, 2016.). Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United State (Murray McKinney, 2014). According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 40- 60% of marijuana users continue to use

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Trung Nguyen Coffee Essay Sample free essay sample

1. The debut* Name:– Full name: Vietnam Electricity Group.– International name: Vietnam Electricity.– Abbreviation: EVN.* Constitution:– Date: 10/10/1994.– Laminitis: Vietnam authorities.– Headquarts: 18 Tran Nguyen Hoan. Ly Thai To. Hoan Kiem. Ha Noi. * Logo: * Company:_ General Corporation of Electric: 5 corporations+ Northern Power Corporation ( EVN NPC )+ Southern Power Corporation ( EVN SPC )+ Central Power Corporation ( EVN CPC )+ Power Corporation of Hanoi ( EVN HANOI )+ Power Corporation of Ho Chi Minh City ( EVN HCMC ) _ Members Companies:+ NPT ( National Power Transmission Corporation )+ Hoa Binh hydroelectric works+ University of Electric Power+ Ho Chi Minh metropolis College of Electric Power+ College of Central Electricity* Contact:– Telephone: ( 84-4 ) 2. 2201371.– Facsimile: ( 84-4 ) 2. 2201369.– Website: World Wide Web. evn. com. vn2. Activities+ Fields of concern: Production. transmittal and export power. + Other sectors:†¢ Education: University of Electric Power. Ho Chi Minh City College of Electric Power. Central Electricity College is a member of the group. †¢ Telecommunications: Electricity Telecommunications Company and nomadic webs. Internet services. †¢ Finance and banking: EVN is a stockholder of An Binh Commercial Bank. †¢ Vietnam Energy Institute is a research institute in the field of power attached to EVN. Up to now. Electric industry still has high monopoly. Vietnam Electric Group ( EVN ) is individual purchaser and individual marketer in the market. EVN’s maps are make up ones minding and pointing schemes to develop the electric industry. the electric undertaking. equilibrating the supply and the demand. With an of import function in the electric industry. EVN can make up ones mind about all jobs. such as where the electric is bought. how much the monetary value is. etc. II. THE SUPPLY OF THE ELECTRIC INDUSTRY Harmonizing to EVN. in the March 2012. the national power system operation. the electric supply is safe and stable. The power end product of system reached 10. 03 billion kWh ( in which hydropower accounted for 34. 4 % . 24. 2 % coal. gas-fired power 39. 25 % ) . Average power end product is 323. 5 million kWh per a twenty-four hours. The highest end product is 342. 48 million kWh per twenty-four hours ( 20th March ) and the highest capacity is 16. 513 MW. We have 2 chief beginnings to bring forth electricity: hydroelectric power. thermoelectric power. However. we depend on the hydroelectric power more. that is why we frequently lack of the electricity every prohibitionist season. In development works. the denseness of the hydroelectric power will diminish bit by bit and the denseness of thermoelectric power will increase. The noticeable characteristic in the graph below. this is visual aspect and part of new power beginnings: atomic power and renewable power. Besides the domestic po wer. EVN still have to import from China was 4. 65 billion kWh National grid is runing with a electromotive force of high T-500kV. 220kV and 110kV and average electromotive force 35 kilovolt and 6 kilovolt. All 500KV and 220KV transmittal lines are managed by the National Power Transmission Corporation. the distribution grid at a electromotive force of 110 kilovolts and high-potential power grid at a electromotive force of 6 kilovolts to 35 kilovolts are managed by the sphere power companies. Table 1. Sum of transmittal lines and Stationss to be added into the national grid for the period 2010-2030 Items| Unit| 2009| 2011-2015| 2016-2020| 2021-2025| 2026-2030| 500kV Station| MVA| 7. 500| 17. 100| 24. 400| 24. 400| 20. 400| 220Kv Station| MVA| 19. 094| 35. 863| 39. 063| 42. 775| 53. 250| 500kV Line| Km| 3. 438| 3. 833| 4. 539| 2. 234| 2. 724| 220kV Line| Km| 8. 497| 10. 637| 5. 305| 5. 552| 5. 020|In order to fulfill the power demand. the Government of Viet Nam has set specific marks for production and import of electricity. In the Master Plan VII for the period 2010-2020 Vision 2030 ends include: * Manufacturing and importing a sum of 194-210 billion kWh by 2015. 330-362 billion kWh by 2020 and 695-834 billion kWh in 2030. * Prioritize the production of electricity from renewable energy beginnings by increasing the proportion of electricity produced from these energy beginnings from 3. 5 % in 2010 to 4. 5 % of entire electricity production in 2020 and 6 % in 2030. * Reduce the coefficient of snap of electricity / GDP from the current norm of 2. 0 to 1. 5 in 2015 and 1. 0 in 2020. * Promote a program to electrify the countryside and the cragged part to guarantee that most of the households in these countries have electricity in 2020. The electric industry is a monopolistic market. so EVN must ever develop the schemes in concern and production. And they have 4 chief schemes: * Diversification of domestic power production including traditional power beginnings ( such as coal and gas ) and new beginnings ( such as renewable energy and atomic power ) . * Keep balance in developing capacity on each beginning part: North. Central. and South. to guarantee the dependable supply on each sphere power system in order to cut down transmittal losingss. power sharing and work the hydroelectric power workss fruitfully in each season. * Development of new power beginnings goes together with technological invention of operating mills. * Diversify signifiers of investing and development to heighten competition and increase economic efficiency. III. tHE Demand OF THE ELECTRIC INDUSTRY Nowadays. the construction of electricity ingestion is concentrated in two Fieldss: the industry and the family ingestion. about 90 % of demand of power. The chief demand is from the processing industry and the fabrication industry. which promotes the Vietnam’s development. In the hereafter. harmonizing to the National Power Development Master Plan VII. the electricity demand of the state will be continued to turn by 14 – 16 % per twelvemonth in the period 2011-2015 and so decelerate down to 11. 15 % per twelvemonth in the period 2016-2020 and 7. 4 – 8. 4 % per twelvemonth in 2021-2030. The demand of electric industry is affected by many factors. such as GPD. population. electric monetary value. etc. However. the more clear influence is the monetary value. At present. the retail monetary value is made by Ministry of Industry A ; Trade. when they want to alter the monetary value. they must give a program and submit to the Prime Minister for allowance. Based on th e retail monetary value of electricity. EVN will equilibrate and make up ones mind on the purchase monetary value every bit good as the construction of power. Harmonizing to the Government. electric monetary value would be adjusted yearly under Decision 21 but with careful consideration of clocking to guarantee minimum impacts on social-economic issues in general and on people’s production in peculiar. Followed the Decision 21. in March 2011 the mean electricity monetary value has rose to 1. 242 VND per kWh ( around 6. 5 US cents ) . which is 15. 28 per centum higher than the monetary value in 2010. In 1st July. 2012. the mean monetary value of electricity is 1. 369 VND/kWh ( non include VAT ) . increases 65 VND/ kWh ( 5 % ) in comparing with the old monetary value. So from 2009 up to now. the electric monetary value additions fivefold. This affects both the family and the house. However. governments consider that the mill has to cover with more jobs than the family. The addition in electric monetary value makes the steadfast rise the cost. increase monetary value of goods. while the concern is hard to increase the merchandising mon etary value. This makes a batch of houses have more troubles. The addition in electric monetary value surely makes CPI higher. people have to purchase some goods with higher monetary value. IV. THE RISKS OF ELECTRIC INDUSTRY There are 6 major hazards for EVN.1. The monopoly in electricity of EVN.2. The conditions.3. Input factors of thermoelectric power.4. Construction clip and Technology.5. The involvement.6. The exchange rate.But in this presentation. we want to stress â€Å"The monopoly in electricity of EVN† . EVN is corporation which belongs to Vietnamese Government. it was founded in 1995. Until 2010. the electricity market in Vietnam is still a State monopoly market where Electricity Corporation of Vietnam ( EVN ) . a province company. owned more than 71 % of all electricity coevals capacity. all transmittal lines. all electricity operation systems. electricity distribution and electricity retail. Functions of EVN are bring forthing. transmission and administering electricity. With these maps. EVN has monopoly place in the industry. so EVN has to confront with a batch of jobs about developing the electric supply: * Negotiating. subscribing contracts to purchase and sell new power. which EVN has a batch of troubles. inexplicitness. wastes a batch of clip. etc. * The merchandising monetary value of the electricity depends on EVN’s determinations. so EVN’s hazard is they have to accept a lower monetary value in comparing with their expected monetary value if they want to sell more and more end products or EVN can non counterbalance the investing cost and the involvement. * The monopoly of EVN blocks significantly attractive force of private investing and other state in the universe make a batch of job for development of EVN * EVN’s sole right in electric market makes it impossible for other investors to put in this industry ( private and foreign investing ) . so curtail the development of it. V. THE PROSPECTS OF ELECTRIC INDUSTRYTo mobilise investings for electricity development. the authorities applies the methods which are based on the electricity monetary value and prosecute environmental protection. The investing portfolio is different for different power beginnings. However. the Government of Vietnam has set a mark to develop a competitory electricity market in order to better the economic efficiency about the power supplies and the domestic demand. Harmonizing to the Draft program. to develop a competitory electricity market. the electric industry’s development will hold three phases: 1 ) Competitive bring forthing power market ( 2005 -2014 ) : power workss could offer to sell electricity to individual purchaser ; 2 ) Competitive sweeping market ( 2015-2022 ) : sweeping companies could vie to purchase electricity before selling to distributers ; 3 ) Competitive retail market from 2022: consumers can take their ain power providers. Apart from developing a comp etitory electric market. the addition in the demand of the electric market additions twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours is a chance. In fact. the measure of demand is greater than the measure of supply and in the prognosis. the measure of demand will be continued to lift in long-term with high velocity. Therefore. the authorities focuses on the investing excessively much to better the supply.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

John Steinbeck - Grapes Of Wrath Purpose Of Intercalary Chapters Essa

John Steinbeck - Grapes Of Wrath: Purpose Of Intercalary Chapters Purpose of Intercalary Chapters The purpose of the intercalary chapters is to give the reader a brief, non-specific idea of what the world was doing at this time. These chapters present the plight of the migrants in a general sense. The intercalary chapters act as support for the commentary chapters, and also to give historical information. I think Steinbeck wanted to tell the reader the general picture of the community in which the Joads were involved. The intercalary chapters set the tone in the reader's mind. For instance, in the first intercalary chapter (chapter 1), we find that the last rain droplets had come in early May., the weeds turned color to guard against the sun, and the dust was so bad that people had to use handkerchiefs to cover their noses for protection against the sun. This sums up that there was a very bad drought in Oklahoma. I know that if I was living in conditions like these, I would definitely save up enough money to find some way of transportation to another place that had weather conditions much better than in Oklahoma. This chapter shows the reader the background situation that will cause the vast migration towards a better-conditioned place, California. Steinbeck also criticizes the economic system in some of the intercalary chapters. So, not only are the intercalary chapters used to give a general idea of what was happening in the world, he also throws in his views on some things. In chapter 5, Steinbeck tells us about the owner men, and that some of them were kind but hated what they had to do, while others were angry and hated to be cruel. He also says some of them were cold because they had long ago found that one could not be an owner unless one were cold. Later on in the chapter Steinbeck refers to The Bank or the Company as a monster. Steinbeck criticizes the bank or the company by telling us that the bank or company is like a monster, and that they have the power to do whatever they want to do. The intercalary chapters act as analogies. In chapter 3, Steinbeck writes about a turtle trying to make his way up the embankment and across the highway. A car driven by a forty-year old woman passed the turtle, swerving to miss it. Then a truck came down the road driven by a young man who swerved to hit the turtle. He ended up clipping the edge of the turtle's shell and flipping the turtle off the highway on his back. The turtle struggled for sometime before I could turn itself back over, but once it did, he proceeded on his way. At first, I was baffled as to why this was in here. Then I realized as I progressed through the novel that the Joads were like the turtle. The Joads struggled many times in the novel, and had meet with such hardships. Throughout the novel, Steinbeck uses the intercalary chapters to throw in his views on the world, and to give the reader a generalization on what was happening in the world. English Essays

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gender Inequality in America

Introduction This paper is aimed at presenting the timeline that can throw light on the history of gender discrimination in America. In particular, it is important to focus on such issues as occupational segregation, gender pay gap, education, and political representation because they determine the status of a person in the society. To a great extent, these examples can demonstrate how this problem evolved with time passing.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Gender Inequality in America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Timeline 1619 The proposal to provide men and women with equal portions of land is not supported the Virginia House of Burgesses (Miller, 1966). They were allowed to have only 50 acres of land (Miller, 1966, p. 201). This event is not closely discussed by historians; however, it could have profound implications for the status of males and females in the United States. The main problem is that this d ecision contributed to the economic inequalities between men and women, and the legacies were noticeable for a long time. Overall, the restriction prevented many women from acquiring the positions of great authority in the new settlements. 1692 This year is marked by the beginning of the Salem witch trials. They resulted in the execution of many people who were mostly women. This event highlighted the extent to which women were vulnerable to the prejudices of the society. Admittedly, this catastrophe cannot be explained only by gender discrimination because it also takes origins in the religious beliefs of people who instigated these trials. However, one should keep in mind that the accusations of witchcraft could stem from the deep prejudice against women, especially those ones who were not married. Therefore, this event can also be viewed as a form of gender discrimination. 1769 The colonies adopt laws according to which women are not allowed to possess their own property. This pr ivilege was given only to their husbands. These laws should not be disregarded because they virtually deprived women of their self-sufficiency. The policy of the government contributed to the formation of a patriarchal society in which women could not express their views on any significant issue such as political life of the society or its economic development. Therefore, the importance of this event cannot be underestimated.Advertising Looking for report on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 1772 Salem College is established. It should be noted that it was the first college established for females. It should be noted that for a long time, this college was the only educational institution that served the needs of women. One should keep in mind that the first co-educational college was founded only in 1833. This lack of attention to the education of women deprived them of many employment opportunities. 1787 The del egates present at the Constitutional Convention decide that voting qualifications should be determined by the legislators of separate states (Vile, 2005). As a result, women are denied the right to vote in every part of the United States, except New Jersey. This particular event is important because it lead to the exclusion of women from the political life of the society. Moreover, they did not have any direct channels for influencing the development of the society. 1807 Females are deprived of the right to vote in New Jersey. It should be mentioned that at that time, New Jersey was the only state in which females were allowed to take part in the political life of the society. This event demonstrated that the state legislators wanted to exclude females from the political life. This problem was addressed only at the beginning of the twentieth century. 1848 Seneca Falls Convention is organized. During this convention, various female activists discussed the issues related to the proble ms encountered by women. In particular, they focused on such issues as employment, education, and political representation. This event attracted the attention of many journalists who discussed the arguments put forward by female activists. This convention was one of the landmarks in the development of the civil rights movement. 1848 The famous Myra Clark case begins. This case was vital for the status of women because it was related to their legal rights to inherit and own property. One should bear in mind that at that time, only several states enabled women to enjoy property rights.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Gender Inequality in America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the verdict of the court could have profound implications for the economic status of American women. At that time, they were struggling for the right to act as independent economic agents. 1867 American legislators give the righ t to vote black men. Nevertheless, women are denied the same right. To a great extent, this controversial decision stimulated women’s right movement because at that time, many females understood that American legislators had been unwilling to promote their political empowerment. This is one of the details that be singled out. 1872 The Congress passes legislation according to which the employees of the federal government should be given equal pay regardless of their sex. The main problem is that this right was not given to the female employees of private companies. As a result, many females could not protect their interests in the court. The problem was resolved only in the second half of the twentieth century when legislators began to eliminate wage discrimination. 1872 Susan Anthony is arrested for trying to vote. This event was important because it indicated that the state could take punitive action against women who were willing to take part in the political life of the co untry. This decision increased the tensions in the American society. At that time, the struggle for the right to vote was critical for many American women. 1873 It is important to speak about the case which is known as Bradwell v. Illinois. According to the decision of the Supreme Court, state legislators had a right to deny women the right to work as lawyers. This event should not be overlooked because it prevented many women from entering legal profession. As a result, their views on many social problems were often overlooked by the state. To a great extent, this Supreme Court decision can be viewed as an example of occupational segregation. One should keep in mind that the ability to practice legal profession was critical for the promotion of women’s rights.Advertising Looking for report on gender studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 1896 The National Association of Colored Women is established. It should be kept in mind that this organization was important for protecting people who could be discriminated on the basis of their gender as well as race. The association was vital for supporting many underprivileged women who faced different forms of discrimination. 1897 The New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage is founded. This organization attempted to show female suffrage could not benefit the society. The formation of the organization intensified the tensions in the American society. The members of this organization were extremely critical of the increased political representation of women. 1920 This year was marked by the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment according to which the state legislators could not deny citizens the right to vote on the basis of their sex. The change in the U.S. legislation enabled women to influence the internal and external policies of the country. Yet, it is critical to remember that the political participation of women was not welcomed by many governmental officials. 1945 The administrators of Harvard Medical School agree to admit women. Later these restrictions on the admission of women were removed in other educational establishments. This example is important because it shows that for a long time, women were barred from the most prestigious universities such as Harvard. Therefore, one can say that they were deprived of opportunities for achieving higher social status. It is also important to mentions that these barriers were not required by the state. In many cases, this sexism was imbedded in the policies of separate educational institutions. 1946 It is important to speak about the case which is known as U.S. v. Ballard. This court decision limited the ability of women to act as jurors. In many cases, the lawyers were allowed to exclude female candidates who wanted to become jurors. Therefore, very often women could not express their views on various criminal cases. This is one of the issues that should be considered. 1963 The U.S. Congress adopts Equal Pay Act which explicitly prohibits discrimination against women in the workplace. In particular, this law is related to the compensation provided to male and female workers. The adoption of this law significantly raised the income of women in the United States. One should keep in mind that this law was supposed to eliminate different forms of discrimination that could be based on race, ethnic origin, religion or race. This legal act enabled women to protect their interests in the court and companies that were biased against female workers could be required to pay fines. 1973 Military academies in the United States are required to admit women. It should be noted that before this event, the United States Army excluded women, even though in many cases, this institution relied on their labor. In turn, the decision created more opportunities for women who wanted to join mil itary organizations. However, this example also indicates that even after World War II, the American government was unwilling to promote the empowerment of women. 1978 The discrimination against pregnant women is prohibited by the state. It should be noted for a long time, employers could easily fire women who got pregnant. Very often, pregnancy could be one of those factors that slowed down the career growth of many female employees. Moreover, female employees could not protect the position in the court. 2007 It is important to mention the Supreme Court case known as Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire. According to this decision, a worker can sue an employer for gender pay discrimination only during the period which is limited to 180 days (Leavitt, 2013, p. 163). Therefore, this decision enhanced the legal power of companies. Furthermore, many of the discriminatory practices went unpunished. Thus, it is possible to say that gender discrimination has not been completely discriminated, but i n the course of history, the American society has made considerable achievements in the promotion of equality. Additionally, there are many legal provisions that enable women to protect their interests. Reference List Leavitt, G. (2013). Class Conflict: The Pursuit and History of American Justice. New York, NY: Transaction Publishers. Miller, J. (1966). The First Frontier: Life in Colonial America. New York, NY: University Press of America. Vile, J. (2005). The Constitutional Convention of 1787: A Comprehensive. New York, NY: ABC-CLIO. This report on Gender Inequality in America was written and submitted by user Raphael Watts to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

History of WW2

History of WW2 Free Online Research Papers World War Two was the most glorifying war in history. It had the most killings of any other war ever in history. It was the first time ever to use nuclear bombs. Almost every country was in someway involved in this war. One of the most influential ones was Europe, without Europe there may have not been a war. They were involved from the start when they declared war on Germany. Europe is still affected from the aftermath of World War Two. The modern world is still living with the consequences of World War 2, the most titanic conflict in history. Just over 68 years ago on September first 1939, Germany invaded Poland without any warning at all. By September third, Britain and France were at war with Germany and within just a week, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa had also joined the war. The world had been plunged into its Second World War in less then twenty five years. Six long bloody and horrifying years of total war, fought over many thousand of miles followed. The war stretched from the Normandy to the streets of Stalingrad, to the mountains of Norway to the deserts of Libya, to the jungles of Burma to the islands of the pacific. On land, sea and in the air, Poles fought Germans, Italians fought Americans and Japanese fought Australians in a conflict which was finally settled with the use of nuclear weapons. World War 2 involved every major world power in a war for global domination and at its end, more than 60 million people had lost their lives and most of Europe and large parts of Asia lay in ruins. There were many events leading to world war two. Some of these events include the Locarno treaties. Signed December 1925, this included treaty of Versailles and the Kellogg Briand Pact signed in 1928 witch stated there would be peace and war was not an effective way to deal with problems. But Germany got the worst deal and had to pay 33 billion dollars in war reparations to France. Germany could not pay it so France took over some of there factories in order to get there money. This event was led to Germany’s money to be useless. Then in October 1929 the stock market crashed and England’s as long as many others stability and integrity was hurt. This would ultimately lead to the great depression and an economic slow down. The pact was broken in 1931 when Japan attacked China and the League of Nations did nothing. People were raged by this wrong act and no punishment. Then on September 29 1938 the Munich pact was signed. It was signed by Edourad Daladier of France, Nevill e Chamberlain of Great Britain, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany.(2194 days of war 10) Then just a day later on September 30 1938 Hitler and chamberlain signed a piece of paper that read We, the German Fuhrer and Chancellor and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for the two countries and for Europe. We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again. We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe.( World War II was a huge, colossal conflict between several powerful nations. What made World War II so destructive was that it was fought on land, in the air, and on the high seas (Begelow, 15). Everyone witnessed the horrors that World War II brought, and they didn’t want that to continue. Everything in its path was ravaged and destroyed. World War II was the single handedly the harshest battle the world had seen, and people will forever remember the toll it took on everyone and everything. Before it was declared world war two the British declaration of war against Nazi Germany came at 11.15 on September 3rd 1939. Neville Chamberlain spoke to the nation via radio. Britain had given Hitler an ultimatum to withdraw from Poland after the Germans invaded Poland on September 1st. In his speech he said (I am speaking to you from the Cabinet Room at 10, Downing Street This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final note stating that unless we heard from them by 11.00 a.m. that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us. I have to tell you that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is at war with Germany. You can imagine what a bitter blow it is to me that my entire long Struggle to win peace has failed. Yet I cannot believe that there is anything more or anything different I could have done and that would have been more successful. Up to the very last it would have been quite possible to have arranged a peaceful and honorable settlement between Germany and Poland, but Hitler would not have it. He had evidently made up his mind to attack Poland whatever happened; and although he now says he has put forward reasonable proposals which were rejected by the Poles, that is not a true statement. The proposals were never shown to the Poles nor to us; and although they were announced in a German broadcast on Thursday night, Hitler did not wait to make comment on them, but ordered his troops to cross the Polish frontier. His actions show convincingly that there is no chance of expecting that this man will ever give up his practice of using force to gain his will. He can only be stopped by force. We and France are today, in fulfilment of our obligations, going to the aid of Poland, who is so bravely resisting this wicked and unprovoked attack on her people. We have a clear conscience. We have done all that any country could do to establish peace. The situation in which no word given to Germany’s ruler could be trusted and no people or country could feel themselves safe has become intolerable. And now that we have resolved to finish it, I know that you will play your part with calmness and courage. At such a moment as this the assurances of support that we have received from the Empire are a source of profound encouragement to us. When I have finished speaking certain detailed announcements will be made on behalf of the Government. Give these your closest attention. The Government have made plan s under which it will be possible to carry on The work of the nation in the days of stress and strain that may be ahead. But these plans need your help. You may be taking part in the fighting Services or as a volunteer in one of the branches of civil defense. If so you will report for duty in accordance with the instructions you have received. You may be engaged in work essential to the prosecution of war for the maintenance of the life of the people – in factories, in transport, in public utility concerns or in the supply of other necessaries of life. If so, it is of vital importance that you should carry on with your jobs. Now may God bless you all? May He defend the right. It is the evil things that we shall be fighting against – brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution – and against them I am certain that the right will prevail.) ( But Germany did not listen and stayed in Poland. It was declared World War II had started in September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland but conflict had been boiling up for nearly twenty years. These conflicts were introduced because of Germany’s crushing defeat in World War I that left them devastated, seeking power, and looking for revenge. â€Å"By early 1930’s Germany, which had been left humiliated and impoverished by its defeat in World War I, had begun a stunning revitalization of its economics. And military power under the guidance of Adolf Hitler. Hitler, supported by his Nazi party, used the tender condition of Germany to sweep through. He swept through with ferocity and Determination and soon controlled Germany through a dictatorship. Hitler was like a ventriloquist with the German people as his puppets. World War two was one of the most bloodiest and horrific wars in all of history. Millions upon millions of men, woman and children were killed. World War Two was a collective of many smaller wars with huge impacts.Europe had a huge impact on many of these wars and many of the wars were fought on Europe territory including European Theatre. European Theatre was an area of heavy fighting across Europe, during World War II. Allied forces fought the Axis powers in three theatres: the Eastern Front, the Western Front and the Mediterranean Theatre. By 1941, many of Britains cities were in ruins, and its population was seemingly demoralized. London was being bombed very frequen tly, although many British cities were bombed throughout the war. A notable example of this is the bombing of Coventry bombing, when in a single night German bombers destroyed over 100 acres of the city center, and killed over 500 people. In addition to coping with the effects of bombing, the population of Britain had to cope with the German threat of invasion. Also there was a Phony War going on. A Phony War (Twilight war, Sitzkerg) is the name given to the period of time in World War Two from September 1939 to April 1940 when, after the blitzkrieg attack on Poland in September 1939, nothing happened. But a lot was actually going on but most of it was behind the scenes some say. And many people were returning home to where they thought it was safe. This continued on into 1941 until December 7th when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor this lead to America and Britain declaring war on Japan on December 8th. And just a few days later Germany declared war on America on December 11th. Then on The last day in December Russia got much needed help when a total of 53 merchant ships had reached Russia and delivered 750 tanks, 800 fighter planes, 1,400 vehicles and 100,000 tons of general stores.( A major battle that happened in 1942 The Battle of Stalingrad. This is considered by many historians to have been the turning point in World War Two in Europe. The battle at Stalingrad bled the German army dry in Russia and after this defeat, the Germany Army was in full retreat. One of the ironies of the war, is that the German Army did not have to get involved in Stalingrad. Army Groups were well on their way to the Caucasus in Russia, when Hitler ordered an attack on Stalingrad. From a strategic point of view it would have been unwise to have left a major city unconquered in your rear as you advanced. However, some historians believe that Hitler ordered the taking of Stalingrad simply because of the name of the city and Hitlers hatred of Joseph S talin. For the same reason Stalin ordered that the city had to be saved. 1944 is one of the most important years in the war because two major wars took place the Battle of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. On June 6th 1944 better know as D-Day saw the start of a massive invasion of occupied Western Europe with landings at five Normandy beaches codenamed Gold, Juno, Omaha, Utah and Sword ( This was the start of the battle of Normandy code name Operation Overload. !945 a sad year but yet a good one at the same time. This year brought the end of the war but also brought millions of deaths at the same time. This is the year that scared all people to the reasons not to have a war. On January 28th the battle of bulge ended and Germany was in full retreat and Hitler committed suicide. And as Germany was in full retreat America was in full on attack on Japan. They went in dropping Agent Orange on Japan vegetation and people. Agent Orange is a jellified gas to destroy and burn anything in its path. In the middle of Americas attack , on April 12th a sad day was upon president Franklin Delano Roosevelt died, but America could not look back and they showed that in there actions soon to come. Then on August 6th America and the Enola Gay dropped the very 1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima sending Japan into pandemonium. Then just three days later they dropped another bomb on Japan in Nagasaki but this time the plane was named Bockscar. Though it was believed that there main target was Tokyo, they did not have enough fuel to get back safely. Japan was now forced to surrender after thousands of people were dead in matter of minutes after bomb was dropped. The war was now over and people could finally salvage what they had left if any thing at all. World War Two was on of the saddest and the hardest times in world history a total 2194 days at war. Millions Of people lost there lives it was one of the most tragic times ever. At least 60 million people lost their lives in World War II according to many different sources. About 25 million soldiers and 35 million civilians, with estimates varying widely. This includes the estimated 10 million lives lost due to the Holocaust, consisting Jews and non-Jews made up of Poles, Roams, homosexuals, communists, dissidents, Afro-Germans, the disabled, Soviet prisoners, and many others. Europe At the end of the war, millions of refugees were homeless, and the European economy had collapsed, and almost the entire European industrial infrastructure was destroyed. The Eastern victors demanded payment of war reparations from the defeated nations, and in the Paris Peace Treaty, the Soviet Unions enemies, Hungary, Finland and Romania, were required to pay $300,000,000 each to the Soviet Union. Italy was required to pay $360,000,000, shared between Greece, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. ( Europe came out of the war weak and hurt but determined to succeed. And that’s what they would do and would continue to Research Papers on History of WW2Appeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaGenetic EngineeringDefinition of Export QuotasThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationTwilight of the UAWQuebec and CanadaHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayBringing Democracy to Africa

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Technical Term Paper (Part B) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Technical Term Paper (Part B) - Assignment Example The current network system has security lapses and faces slow response time and occasional downtime. In the process of moving and with the professional input of Wide-IP Company, Fiction Corporation intends to upgrade its system in order to adopt modern and standard network operations and security. The current hardware used in its network system was bought a long time ago and its application is based on the old technology. The network system upgrade will be essential in increasing system reliability, easy and economical maintenance of its components and increased speed of the data transfer process. At an estimated budgetary cost of $425,000 and a time frame of one month, Wide-IP Company will develop logical and physical design that will be useful in configuring Fiction Corporation network system. Project goal Making the correct and appropriate network technology decisions ensures that the organization attains its goals, the morale of the employees is retained, and the cost incurred is tenable with organization’s budgetary plan and financial objectives. In order to ensure that there is smooth transition of organization networking system from one location to the other, the right networking technology plan must be developed and implemented. In most cases, transferring a data center needs a flush cutover of the network system in order to supply remote systems that have access to data before and after migration. Wide-IP intends to develop a number of router configuration changes that would enable data center routers to be easily transferred, one at a time and dismantling the old lines after the installed new data centers are proven. This is essential in providing an uninterrupted user support during the transfer and reducing the ongoing operational risk. Project scope The project of transferring and developing a new networking system for Fiction Corporation will be done by the Wide IP Company that has 10 members who are proficient in system networking. With a budget of approximately $425,000, Wide IP Company will identify the requirements of Fiction Corporation, develop networking systems, establish errors and correct them, and provide and adhere to a detailed project schedule of 30 days. Design requirements User communities and network applications Fiction Corporation, a retail chain needs to move a new headquarter several miles away. Considering the distance and the chain operations, the main challenge is moving all the personnel to the new headquarters and ensuring that the data center supports all call centers and warehouse operations. Whereas the warehouse functions from Monday to Saturday, allowing one day transferring an AS/400 and developing new SNA links, most of the stores will be open for 24 hours, which will be significant in ensuring non interruption transfer of the network system. Basing on the viewpoint of data processing, the migration of network system will include as AS/400, a large UPS, NT PC and Novell servers, and mu ltiple RS/6000 AIX application servers. The network will be made up of 100 servers for call centers and three remote warehouses .These user communities are connected through frame relay that has ISDN backup to three routers located in data center. The three routers will run a common LAN that will be shared by the headquarter staff, call centers, the warehouse and the data center. There is a high possibility for a whole

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organizational Evaluation of Zara Cloth Company Essay

Organizational Evaluation of Zara Cloth Company - Essay Example The Company is an active member of the Inditex group (Tungate, 2008). The chain store was founded and is currently owned by Amancio Ortega and Rosalia Mera. Zara produces quality cloths that have attracted customers in the entire globe. This paper evaluates certain organization functions of the organization. Physical Assets, Products, Manufacturing and Distribution Success of Zara Chain Store has been attributed to extensive utilization of its opportunities through online services (Badia, 2009). To enhance sale of its products, Zara uses both offline and online shops, which increases its customer-serving capacity and physical market coverage. The company has not only used online communication to contact its clients, but also to advertize its products. The chain store has successfully opened several online shops and plans to launch several services in all its outlets. According to Badia (2009), branches of Zara are vertically integrated retailers. That is, though the branches use diff erent production processes, they are united by a common goal (Harrigan, 2003). Different products produced are, consequently, integrated to satisfy a common need. The Clothing Store produces large quantities of clothes of different fashions, styles, or designs and covers all groups of people. Sale of the products is done either locally or exported to foreign market. Zara products are manufactured in various stores in Spain, Europe, Asia, and Africa (Tungate, 2005). As another vital asset of the organization, recent success of Zara is attributed to the launching online boutique by the Inditex in September 2010. The online shopping provision was first initiated in Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Portugal, and France markets. Launching of the boutique website was preceded by creation of a cyberspace due to high demand for online shopping (Tungate, 2008). The two sites function like physical shopping stores in, which a wide range of products are provided at fair prices. The onlin e service also provides different payment methods from which a customer can select a method that best suits him/her. In addition, the website provides a variety of delivery methods a customer can use after ordering a shipment. A customer can either pay for a postal delivery or be free to pick his/her purchase from the store (Badia, 2009; Tungate, 2008). Human Resource Management in Zara In Zara Chain Store, existence and functionality of Human Resource Management (HRM) depends diversity within a workforce, employee relations, and training and skills development (Tungate, 2008). Expansion of the organization has triggered the need to design appropriate ways of obtaining and maintaining quality performing employees. Resource managers in various Zara stores, therefore, concentrate on maintaining good relationship between employers and employees and among employees. Resource management in Zara, in effect, focuses on satisfactory productivity, improved motivation, and high morale upkeep of workers. In Zara Stores, diversity in HRM reflects variations present in its workforce. Workforce diversity in Zara is attributed to differences in various demographic factors. Such factors include age, gender and social class. With the increasing need for employees due to advances in technology, management teams in Zara constantly strategize on ways of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Steps for Successful Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Steps for Successful Business - Essay Example An SQM can provide the business profits in term of customers’ satisfaction but combining it with employee retention through; provision of continuous communication and guidance for the employees, childcare provision, and flexibility of work can guarantee loyalty, motivation and high productivity by the employees. The higher the motivation and trust, the better results will the organization have to show. The bibliography in this paper presents and summarizes a number of articles and their findings regarding workplace management and employee satisfaction factors. The authors emphasize the implementation of a successful Quality Management System (QMS) for a business by written and controlled procedures. They believe that a QMS prevents failures involving the supply chain, the brand, and customers since it forms a basis for major company audits. As management professionals, they propose using these four main concepts in the development of an effective QMS, in the order in which they suggest. They consider statistical tools to be first, like a flow chart or a process map, as it is vital in providing information on the path a product follows from the manufacturing stage onwards. This becomes a control plan after its approval by quality assurance department. Secondly, they propose using a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), is an advanced stage of product quality planning, which helps in identifying possible failures, and an FMEA team may oversee the process. Systems validation protocols work to eliminate defects and lower the level of vari ation in the process of manufacturing. Finally, current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) is necessary for manufacturing companies to ensure their products meet the market requirements, as this will develop their product identity and quality. Therefore, companies must develop and sustain a cGMP.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marketing plan of Philips laptop

Marketing plan of Philips laptop INTRODUCTION: PHILIPS: Slogan sense and simplicity Industry- electronics Key people- Founder Gerard Philips CEO-Gerard Kleisterlee Chairman- Michiel Hessels Employees- 121,400 in 2007 The company was founded by Gerard Philips and established on 1891, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Its first product was light bulbs. In the 1920s, the company started to manufacture other products, like- Vacuum tubes (also known worldwide as valves), In 1939 they introduced their electric razor, Also on March 11, 1927 Philips went on the air with a station called PCJ now known as Radio Netherlands. In 1950, company introduced Philips Records. After this product Philips launches Compact Cassette tape in 1963 which was wildly successful. This was mainly used for dictation machines for office typing stenographers and professional journalists. Philips introduced the first combination portable radio and cassette recorder which is marketed as the radio recorder. Company also reduces the cassette size for the professional needs, in form of mini cassette and later the microcassette. The worlds first home video cassette recorder was made by Philips. The main competitors of Philips at that time were Sonys Betamax and the VHS group of manufacturers. Philips had early developments of a laser disk for selling movies but due to delayed in its commercial launch for fear of cannibalizing its video recorder sales. Late join with Sony they launch commercial laser disk, and again in 1982 with Sony they launch Compact Disc. This evolved to launch of DVD, which Philips launched with Sony in 1997. Philips after that also come in market of television, microwave oven, mixer grinder, music system, plasma television, home theater, energy saver(CFL) bulb, etc. The companys name was changed from N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken to Philips Electronics in 1991. At that time, North American Philips was formally dissolved, and a new corporate division was formed in the U.S. with the name Philips Electronics North America Corp. MISSION OF OUR BUSINESS Here we are going to produce a new laptop. OUR MISSION- We focus on to improve the quality of peoples lives through timely introduction of meaningful innovations according to movement of situation. As a world leader in healthcare, lifestyle and lighting, our company also integrates technologies and design into people-centric solutions. Our mission is fully focused on to fulfill the peoples needs and desires when we truly understand what they want. Thats why we always begin with getting to know as much as we possibly can about our target audiences: their priorities, values, inspirations, likes and dislikes. With this insight, our international, multi-disciplinary and diverse design team is able to deliver truly relevant solutions that anticipate peoples needs, exceed their expectations and enhance our customers business success. OBJECTIVE OF OUR BUSINESS I will decide my marketing objective which will completely support continuous growth and profitability through effective implementation of the strategy. The basic objectives are; I will increase the market share on the basis of market development. I will focus more on promotional activities. I will focus on constant and positive sale growth each year in place of more sales in particular fixed year. Determination of market that should be reached by advertising. In this sector I will try to achieve quantitative and qualitative leadership. Increase the awareness of new product by print media and electronic media. My financial objective is to sale of 1000 laptop per month, means 12000 for a year. I will make strategies to double this growth in next year. Planning process Development of new product is a challenging process. It starts with plan formulation; firstly we identify the problem and plan to solve it. The iteration continues until the plan is declared as successfully completed. The first step in formulation of planning is situational analysis. These are the steps of planning formulation. Situational analysis This analysis gives us information to identify the issues and problems that need to be addressed. For situational analysis these are the information required Socio demographic- Population composition and distribution, learning and family services. Economic activities- national account, poverty Socio- cultural and political- political structure, participation, relevant law, government policies, etc. Formulation of goals In goal formulation we specify the desire outcomes to achieve addressing the priority problem which identifies in the situational analysis. Formulation of policies and strategies In this we make a plan and create a direction to achieve the goals, objective and target. Identification of programs and project In this step we convert our plan and objective into specific implementable activities. Investment programming and budgeting Here we will decide which programs and project can be implemented according to our pre determined time scheduled and frame MARKET AND INDUSTRIES ANALYSIS Firstly I will go for market analysis which gives our company the sufficient information about market and consumer needs, want and demand. Market analysis will help to right offer to right consumer and can meet consumer satisfaction and can make better communication with consumer. On the basis of this study you can make delight consumer, and retention of consumer. It possesses sufficient information about the market and consumer needs, wants and demand. It will help to right offer to right customer and can meet consumers satisfaction and can make better communication with them. Also they have some important information about customer, which is helps to make delight consumer. With the pioneering research techniques, Primary Intelligence is able to identify and measure market drivers, benchmark and track changes to help you position your products and services correctly, and respond to emerging competitive threats and opportunities. Market Needs Analysis will help to opti ­mize your sales teams efforts by: This helps us to identifying decision making and purchasing patterns Exposing decision-making criteria and areas of influence This also providing objective, real-world feedback that sales professionals can leverage to improve their strategies and tactics. Market Needs Analysis gives us the infor ­mation that directs for our product marketing, demographic targeting, and sales tactics as you approach new ground. On the basis of study of Institute of development and communication (IDC) India which is a premier global market intelligence firm, the laptop market in India has 79% year-on-year growth during 2006. The sale of laptop is growing faster rate than projected. India is growing day by day a big market for laptop industries. On the basis of analysis of a top official of HCL Info Systems, market share of laptops would be 35-40% in the next two years. GROWTH DRIVERS FOR COMPANY Indian Laptop market in increasing faster as it was in 2005 that sales of laptops surpassed the sales of desktop computers. It happens first time in India. Change in work life of consumers is a main cause for growth for sale of laptop. The dynamic use anytime anywhere access to information is increasing, the sales of laptops. Reduction in prices and affordability was a big cause to improve the sale of laptop. In these days Laptops are now sold at approximately half the price at which they were sold two years ago. Laptops prices are now almost at par with the desktop computer prices. The most important factor is duty free import of Laptops also helped a lot in increasing the penetration level of the product among the consumer. Laptop awareness is also increased over the years. Our Target Markets Firstly we have to target the market for Philips laptop. By definition we know that -A target market or target Audience is the market segment which a particular product is marketed to. It is often defined by age, gender and/or socio-economic grouping. Market Targeting is the process in which intended actual markets are defined, analyzed and evaluated just before the final decision to enter is made. The target market of our laptop is shown below: Our potential markets are separated into two segments; Corporate User and End User. The primary marketing opportunity is selling to these well defined and accessible target market segments that focus on investing discretionary income in these areas: Corporate User: There is requirement of more feature in their laptop as per there use and work profile. Corporate users are the users who buy the LAPTOP for their official purpose only. The MD, GM, DGM, and CEO are the main corporate level users. Corporate users End User: The end users are basically focused on price. These are those users who buy the laptop for their personal use. Teachers of University, Students of private University, businessman etc are the End users for laptop End users Market Demographics WE have two objectives in regard market demographics: first we will to determine what segments or subgroups exist in the overall population; and secondly we have to create a clear and complete picture of the characteristics of a typical member of each of these segments. Once these profiles are constructed, we can to develop a marketing strategy and marketing plan. The five types of demographics in marketing are age, gender, income level, race and ethnicity. The term demographics as a noun are often used erroneously in place of demography, the study of human population, its structure and change. Although there is no absolute delineation, demography focuses on population structure, processes and dynamics, whereas demographics is most often used in the fields of media studies, advertising, marketing, and polling, and should not be used interchangeably with the term demography or (more broadly) population studies The profile of our PHILIPS LAPTOP customer consists of the following geographies, demographics and behavior factor: Geographic We have specific domestic geographic target area. We will firstly serve the product to domestic market. We will cover the Metropolitan area through our own distribution channel. We have our large no of distributors approximately in each state in India. Demographics Demographic has been done on the basis of the following attributes: We are try to give almost same featured laptop and for both the corporate and end users. The laptops loaded with all those feature which will certainly enough for University teachers and doctors to use it for their research work. As well as all High, Middle, Upper middle and middle class can use it without any difficulty. Behavior factor We all are aware about some behavior factor which is good and in favor of my company. This is related to the It is the thinking that laptop increase the status and prestige of the individual. Also Consumer wants products, which are available in anywhere on any time. Consumers feel that they have a separate image by using PHILIPS LAPTOP. Market Needs We have to provide our customers the opportunity to choose LAPTOPs with different configuration according to market needs. This is very important to fulfill the following benefits which are important for our customer. We will completely focus on these facilities for our customers according to preference: High quality Today all the customers are aware about the general function of computer because they are already using the desktop since long time. Thats why at this time the Consumer wants high quality product, which is must been high in regard to performance. PHILIPS meets this need of consumer. Reasonable price Today consumer wants a high quality product at reasonable price, for that reason PHILIPS try to provide high quality product at a reasonable price. Different flavors When we talk about the customers choice that is vary from person to person. So PHILIPS provides different laptop with different features for different feature. Product availability Todays the customer always seek available product so that they can buy the product at any time according to their need. Market Trends PHILIPS produces different type of laptop which fulfills quality but a reasonable price. Now laptop Production Company is growing and more competitors are coming in the market also customer are more aware about the product for that reason they want different types of product. At the moment market is growing faster, competition are increasing. Thus, Philips made segments for their product. Philips divided their customer in to three groups, and give emphasis on each of the group. Market Growth PHILIPS Company is going upward with a strong competition. With the domestic market, our international market growth statistics is increasing day by day. SWOT ANALYSIS The following SOWT analysis captures the key strength and weakness within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing PHILIPS. Strengths: We have strong information technology and customer relation management approaches our customer can track any delivery by containing online customer services. PHILIPS has its popular brand name. We have Strong quality product. We are producing attractive design. Body of Philips laptop is made of the silver and plastic both. We have our own large distribution channel. The satisfaction of buyer about Philips product is very good. Weakness Lack of promotional activities. At present we have insufficient capital. We have lack of promotional activities There are some legal and political barrier regarding import, tax and shipment. Opportunities Increasing the demand of LAPTOP o the basis of survey. Increase in management school. Technical based job are increasing. Improved market portfolio. Increasing sales through the country. Promotional activities to increase brand image. Threats Legal political barriers regarding import duty, tax etc. The large no of range of laptop of existing in present time in market. New competitors are entrance in the market. The price of LAPTOP is decreasing day by day, so there is low profit of margin in this business COMPETITORS At present in the market there are no of competitors in laptop industries. We have to analyze their strategy and know everything like feature, quality, price, segmentation, pricing strategies, target market and so on. The major player in laptop industries are:- Hewlett Packard (HP) Lenovo Acer IBM Toshiba Dell Sony PRODUCT WISE ANALYSIS OF OUR NEAREST COMPETITORS We establish our own market. Also it is facing some competitors. The no of competitor are at present time and their status is as given- Sources to Gather the Information about our Competitors The following are 10 sources and strategies by which we can get information about our competitors: Suppliers: Annual reports Phone the competition Talk to their customers Check periodicals and trade journals Review the companys Web site. Talk to some of their employees: Be careful what you disclose. But a little give and take might yield surprising results. Visit your competitors at a local industry trade show: It will give us a good idea of how competitors present themselves to the public. Review reports and profiles of the local industry Look at your competitors advertising Ø HP: HP Pavilion HP is a line of personal computers produced by Hewlett-Packard and introduced in 1995. The name is applied to both desktops and laptops for the Home and Home Office product range. Todays HP is the largest player in the market. HPs LAPTOP has captured the maximum market share of laptop and pc. It is produced in China. It is holding a leading position for long time in laptop in our country. It has large no of its customer group. Current Notebook Models of HP 18.4 inch: HDX18t 17.3 inch: dv7t 17.0 inch: G70t 16.0 inch: HDX16t / dv6t / dv6z / dv6zae (Artist Edition 2) / G60t 15.6 inch: Compaq CQ60 15.4 inch: dv5tse 14.1 inch: dv4tse / dv4t 13.3 inch: dv3t / Voodoo Envy 133 12.1 inch: Touch Smart tx2z / HP Pavilion dv2z 10.1 inch: HP Mini 110 Mi / HP Mini 110 XP / / Mini 1000 Vivienne Tam Ø DELL: In the 1980s Dell became a pioneer in the configure to order approach to manufacturing delivering individual PCs configured to customer specifications. In contrast, most PC manufacturers in those times delivered large orders to intermediaries on a quarterly basis. To minimize the delay between purchase and delivery, Dell has a general policy of manufacturing its products close to its customers. This also allows for implementing a just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing approach, which minimizes inventory costs. Low inventory is another signature of the Dell business model a critical consideration in an industry where components depreciate very rapidly. Products of dell: Dell inspiron series Dell vostro series Dell 1510 Dell n series Dell studio 14z Dell studio xps 13 Dell studio xps 16 Ø ACER: It is a Chinese producer of laptop. Acer has taking cover over the market share of LAPTOP PC in India. It is emerging laptop brand today and focuses on product for middle class and student. Product of Acer in market at current time: Acer Gemstone series Acer Travel Mate series Tablet PC series Acer Aspire series Acer Aspire Timeline series Acer Extents series Acer Ferrari series Ø LENOVO: Lenovo markets its products directly to consumers, small to medium size businesses, and large enterprises, as well as through online sales, company-owned stores (in China only), chain retailers, and major technology distributors and vendors. It is also a competitor of PHILIPS LAPTOP. Lenovo makes a variety of products for worldwide sale, these products include: Lenovo Lenovo ThinkPad laptops Lenovo Think Station Lenovo workstations Lenovo Think Server Idea Pad consumer-oriented laptops Lenovo 3000 J Series laptops Lenovo 3000 C, N, and V Series laptops A current agreement allows Lenovo to sell IBM-branded desktops and laptops until 2010. OUR PRODUCT RANGE PHILIPS: when we talk about our company we are basically a television company. But enhances our company business by producing laptop. Product offering PHILIPS offers different type of configuration at different price to our consumer for chooses their expected product. This laptops are given in figure PHILIPS EXTREME SERIES PHILIPS MOUNTAIN SERIES PHILIPS S-20 PHILIPS S-10 PHILIPS YUVA BASIC KEY FOR OUR SUCCESS: We have Strong quality Brand image of the product. We have our own distribution channel We are focused on to retain our customer to generate repeat purchase and referrals. Our general average sales about 1000 piece per month. Critical issues for our company Form the inauguration, PHILIPS is still in the early stage. The critical issues for PHILIPS are: There are quality variation in our products We excess discounts from other competitors. Marketing strategy For launching the Philips laptop we have to know about marketing strategy. It is a method of focusing an organizations energies and resources on a course of action which can lead to increased sales and dominance of a targeted market niche. A marketing strategy combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship management and other elements; identifies the firms marketing goals, and explains how they will be achieved, ideally within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategy determines the choice of target market segments, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of resources. It is most effective when it is an integral component of overall firm strategy, defining how the organization will successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market arena. As the customer constitutes the source of a companys revenue, marketing strategy is closely linked with sales. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a compan ys overarching mission statement. The marketing strategy will create awareness, interest and appeal from our target market for what PHILIPS offers to customers. The marketing strategy is based on superior performance in the following areas: Our product have different configuration. Philips laptop focused on Product quality. Delight user. Positioning Philips will maintain its position as a laptop company. The position will be achieved by quality product, competitive price, and according to consumers demand and delight consumers. They have experienced manager to make awareness about the product to customer. Strategies Our main primary marketing strategy will seek to first create customer awareness regarding the products. Our other marketing strategy are- To increase the product line and length as per the expectations of the consumers To serve the consumer with competitive prices To ensure the availability of the product Practicing Total Quality Management (TQM) Consumer Orientation Produce and market international standard products Marketing Mix Philips laptop marketing mix is comprised of the following approaches to product price, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service. This is the basis format of marketing mix. PRODUCT  · Brand name We have our strong brand name PHILIPS. Which is already known by customers in market?  · Product variety PHILIPS has five types of product. These are PHL EXTREME SERIES PHL MOUNTAIN SERIES PHL-S20 PHL-S10 PHL EC Quality PHILIPS always maintains high quality of its products. Total Quality Management (TQM) is practiced here. Design Attractive design, different colors, comfortable weight. Features Philips product has a Variety of features in comparison of competitors. Packaging PHILIPS supplies the laptops to the users in attractive packet. It provides special cartoon to send the LAPTOPs to its dealers which is for safety purpose also. Size Our products size varies a little too product to product and depending on screen of laptop. Service We will provide home delivery service after selling of our laptops. PROMOTION Sales promotion PHILIPS provides shot-term incentives to encourage and purchase or sale of products. Occasionally it gives special discounted price for its products. It also gives T-shirts, caps, Bluetooth and other accessories to the customers. Advertising We will give the advertisement for Philips laptop through newspaper, billboard, popular magazine, leaflets, sponsoring on game competition, internet etc. Personal selling When we talk about personal selling, then it can be said that Philips is not arrange any types of personal selling. PRICE  · Price list  · Discount It allows discount facilities for its retailers and dealers.  · Payment period PHILIPS sells LAPTOP on credit to its distributors and retailers and after the sale they then make payment. The payment time is of 45 days month, after this due date the interest will be charged. PLACE  · Distributor Channels We have our own channel for distribute the products in all main city of India  · Location Firstly we will cover the district areas of our country to sale the Philips laptop.  · Transport We have no own transport facility for our distributors. Distributors are responsible for taking the products to their showrooms. Marketing Research Marketing research is very important for us to know about current market and predict future needs. We can collect the information through the dealer and retailer by x Question Notes customer responses to the How did you hear about product? question. Based on the answer it takes its promotional activities. Customer suggestion They take customers suggestions to gain additional information. It want to know from the customers about- What suggestion do you have to improve our product? And Why do you need a laptop? Financials This sector will offer the financial overview of PHILIPS LAPTOP related to marketing activities. PHILIPS address brake even analysis, sales forecast, expense forecast, and indicate how this activity are link to the marketing activity. Break-even Analysis The break-even analysis below illustrates the number of single sales, or units, that we must realize to break-even. This is based on average sale and costs per transaction. Monthly Break-even Point Break-even Analysis: Monthly Units Beak-even 700 Unit. Monthly Revenue Beak-even Tk. 3, 64, 00000 Assumptions: Average Per-Unit Selling Price Tk. 52, 0000 Average Variable Cost per month Tk. 42,000 Estimated monthly Fixed Cost Tk. 70, 00,000 Sales Forecast: PHILIPS thinks that the sales forecast will be achieve into the into the five main revenue streams; PHL EXTREME SERIES, PHL MOUNTAIN SERIES, PHL-S20, PHL-S10, PHL EC. It will steadily increase sales as the advertising budget allows although the target market forecast listed all of the potential customers divided into separate groups. The forecasted customers group divided into 2 categories: Corporate Users and End Users. Expense Forecast Marketing expense is to be budgeted at approximately 3% of total sales for 2010-11 and 4% for 2011-12. Expenses are tracked in the major marketing categories of newspaper advertisements, printed leaflets, billboard promotional event and others. Controls The purpose of PHILIPS LAPTOPs marketing plan is to serve as a guide for the organization. This plan is about implementation, changing the business, and making it better. Here we look at specific implementation programs, and the details that it takes to make it happen. The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance: Customer satisfaction Revenue: monthly and annual Expenses: monthly and annual Implementation The following identifies the key activities that are critical to our marketing plan. It is important to accomplish each one on time and on budget. Our contingency planning Difficulties and Risks for our business An entry into the market by an already established market competitor. Problems generating visibility, a function of being an internet-based start-up organization. BIBLIOGRAPHY: * * * * * * *

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Athletic Training and Writing Studies

Genre Analysis This paper will take an in depth look at two articles that are representative of two different discourse communities. It will also analyze features that are different amongst the two discourse communities so that people have a better understanding of the different characteristics that discourse communities possess. It will explore the different styles that each discourse community utilizes, including but not limited to writing, citation styles and organizational styles. Keywords: Discourse Community, characteristics, organizational style, citation style writing style Many people do not understand that to be considered a discourse community, a group must have certain attributes. These attributes represent the way that the discourse community read, write, or communicate with one another. It is important that these attributes are done on a level that will be understood by those within the discourse community they are a member of. Although each genre typically has their own way of communication, whether it is via writing, email, or another form of communicating, some utilize the same ways and other genres utilize different ways. Regardless of the choice of communication, the goal is the same throughout discourse communities and that is to have effective communication. The differences and similarities are apparent when analyzing two articles from two different discourse communities, Athletic Training and Writing Studies. The first peered reviewed article accessed from the Athletic Training Education Journal titled â€Å"Redefining Professional Knowledge in Athletic Training: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?† examines the way that Athletic Training has defined it body of knowledge and how to secure that body of knowledge in the Athletic Training discourse community. The second peered reviewed article titled â€Å"Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning† not only discusses reading and writing at a college level, however also discusses the role of rhetorical reading while writing and reading. Identification Identifying the differences and similarities between the two peered reviewed articles, â€Å"Redefining Professional Knowledge in Athletic Training: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?† by Patrick O. McKeon, PhD; Jennifer M. Medina McKeon, PhD; Paul R. Geisler, EdD and â€Å"Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning† by Christina Haas and Linda Flower gave more clarity on the different and similar writing styles of the two different discourse communities. The first difference that was apparent was the formatting of the two articles. The first article by McKeon et al. appears to use an APA format for their article. APA format typically includes an abstract as well as a reference page that list the sources that were utilized throughout the paper, this paper included both. The APA citations are also different than the MLA citations. The Haas and Flower article is done in an MLA format, it does not include an abstract, title page and the source page is referenced as a â€Å"work cited† page which is typical of MLA formatting. The citations in MLA formatting are presented differently on the â€Å"works cited† page than a reference page of the APA format. What was observed in both articles that was similar, although using the different formats, was that both articles were 1-inch margins and 12-point font which is adhering to both the MLA and APA formats. To attract a reader typically organization of an article is important. These two articles differed in how they were organized, for instance the article â€Å"Redefining Professional Knowledge in Athletic Training: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?† is organized by headings that clearly represent the facet of the information that is to follow the heading. Haas and Flowers article â€Å"Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning† does not include headings to present information, the information is sporadically placed within the article, including data represented by the study itself. A prominent similarity between the two articles was that they were both evidence-based articles. The article â€Å"Redefining Professional Knowledge in Athletic Training: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?† the study shows that by clearly relating the Professional body of knowledge and the evidence that is utilized in the evidence-based practice helps to secure that there is, in fact, authority and legitimacy to the Athletic Training Profession body of Knowledge. (McKeon, The article â€Å"Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning† was based on studies done with college students. These studies represented primarily the different ways that college students read and write. These studies were performed in hopes that undeniable proof would indeed help to strengthen the abilities of college students in the aspects of reading and writing. There were similarities to the stylistic form of writing of both the articles. The Haas and Flower article was more of an active voice rather that a passive voice. This was noted mainly because of wording and sentence structure. An active voice basically describes what the subject is doing or going to do, which in this article could be clearly defined throughout. The article by McKeon el. at. also used an active voice throughout the article. Suggesting what could be done as well as what is being done to secure their Professional Body of Knowledge in the Athletic Training field. Using an active voice in both articles helped to validate the strength of the articles which is important to the reader. Regarding the convention of the two articles they differed in how information was conveyed through visual illustration. It was clear that the authors Haas and Flower utilized multiple illustrations to identify the results and convey important information a manner that was visually understood. This allowed for information to be conveyed faster and accurately with different visuals, i.e. graphs, figures. In the article â€Å"Redefining Professional Knowledge in Athletic Training: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?† the authors chose to not utilize many visuals, instead they utilized the grammar convention, which made deciphering the article slightly more time consuming that when visuals are incorporated. In short, the common goal of both articles was to communicate information to help advance their specific discourse community. In the Writing Studies community the information relayed, no matter how, was to improve the reading and writing skills of college students. In the community of Athletic Trainers, it was to facilitate a better understanding of the Professional Body of Knowledge and the relation to their stature in the healthcare field. The common goal simply stated was to advance each discourse community with the studies that were performed. Analysis Reading both articles, it was clear the active voice was representative of both the Writing Studies and Athletic Training discourse communities. Using the active voice defines a characteristic of both communities and the way they communicate, making sure that information is conveyed, clearly, concisely and straight to the point. This is an important attribute to these discourse communities simply because to advance it is important to understand and communicating efficiently is important. Utilizing the active voice also relays the strength and validation to the article which is important to the reader also. These two articles are clearly written as evidence-based articles, this is another important characteristic of the discourse communities of which the authors belong. It shows that both discourse communities rely on data that has scientifically evident and data that proves the facts. This information is made available in both articles through concise experiments that resulted in a conclusion that was beneficial to both discourse communities. This is an important attribute in the discourse communities because the reputable proof that is determined through these experiments reflects that the discourse communities require information that is only factual and based by scientific evidence. Organizational manner of both articles as stated was different. The article by McKeon, el. at. chose to structure the paper with an introduction, method, result, analysis and discussion format. This type of structure can be a representative characteristic of the discourse community Athletic Training by suggesting the discourse community relies mainly on scientific evidence and factual data. Utilizing headings helps the reader follow and have a clearer understanding of the material that is being discussed. The article by Haas and Flower chose to take a more laxed approach to the structure of their article. The authors used very little headings and left the article with points that could be further discussed. Even know results were apparent this article was left more open-ended, maybe to leave the reader no choice but to ask questions? This type of structure demonstrates the discourse communities will to speak freely and offer any elaboration that is needed. The different formatting of the articles APA and MLA represent the different characteristics that both discourse communities possess. The Athletic Training discourse community utilized an APA format in this article, this is representative of the concise, reliability and validity that is expected when writing in this discourse community. The authors of the Writing Studies article utilized the MLA format for the structure of their paper which is typical of the discourse community. This type of format demonstrates the discourse community's openness to further discuss and elaborate on the subject at hand. The difference in the formatting of the citations on both the reference and works cited pages represent the discourse communities' differences of what they stress importance on when using multiple sources. MLA citations always begin with the title name and APA citations usually begin with author first. The Athletic Training discourse community, using the APA format prefers to emphasize the importance of the author (writer) contrary to the discourse community of Writing Studies who choose to emphasize the importance of the subject in their citation. The conventions that were apparent in the articles displayed the discourse communities' differences in respect to conveying information. The Haas and Flower article had multiple visual illustrations that conveyed precise information in a quick manner. This is standard of the Writing Studies discourse communities will to open minded for elaboration. Presenting a graph or figure can reflect the need for more discussion. The McKeon el. at. article used only one display of visual illustration to convey information which is contrary to the discourse community who is usually under time constraints. The authors chose to use more grammar conventions such as mechanics, usage, and sentence structure to convey their message. This is also typical of the discourse community of Athletic Training and their continued effort to communicate in a fashion that is easily understood, straight to the point, concise and efficient. The last noted similarity in both articles was the fact that the articles were written in a manner that provided information to improve their discourse communities. Knowledge is power, and this was reflective in both articles with the information that was conveyed. This makes sense as both discourse communities have common goals and that is to better the community to which they belong by further research and continued communication. Reflection This Genre Analysis has given me the opportunity to explore and examine the different writing styles of the discourse communities of Writing Studies and Athletic Training. Despite that the discourse communities are from completely different realms, I analyzed both articles which later proved to achieve one common goal and that was communication through writing. After analyzing the two articles it was clear that the discourse communities had different as well as similar writing styles that they utilized to convey their messages. I was able to gain an understanding that the overall goal of conveying information effectively and concisely. Of which, ironically, was a common goal among both discourse communities. This analysis has also given me a better understanding of how writing, or the type of writing used can identify the characteristics of a discourse community. For example, the Athletic Training discourse community writes in a fashion that is straight forward and to the point to communicate the outcome. The Writing Studies discourse community tends to leave some information open ended, up for discussion they are a little laxer in their approach. No matter the approach in writing among the discourse community the bottom line will always be the same, to write in a manner that is concise and effective. Another very important aspect that was observed was the importance of adapting to the writing styles of the discourse community you belong to. Adapting will ensure that you can communicate effectively within the discourse community and most importantly be respected by fellow members. ReferencesHaas, C., ; Flower, L. (1988). Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning. College Composition and Communication, 39(2), 167-183. doi:10.2307/358026Patrick O. McKeon, Jennifer M. Medina McKeon, and Paul R. Geisler (2017) Redefining Professional Knowledge in Athletic Training: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?. Athletic Training Education Journal: April-June 2017, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 95-105.